Welcome to the Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering group’s web page at the University of YEDITEPE!
Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering is an exciting field for researchers from various branches of science and engineering. The interest in this field is also growing in Turkey in general. Our university has an intense activities in the fields of Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering in Turkey, and is also quite competitive on an international level. Our group is a member of BIOMATEN Center of Excellence in Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering (http://www.biomaten.metu.edu.tr) which has always had a pioneering role in this studies. Our activities cover teaching, research and conferences.
Teaching is carried out with some courses, Cell and Tissue Culture (GBE 432), Biomaterials (GBE 433), Advanced Biomaterials (BTEC 533), Mammalian Tissue Engineering (BTEC 535), and Tissue Engineering Applications (BTEC 610) .
Our studies are carried out in Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering Laboratories.
We hope that this web site will give you all the information you need to make your decision to join us.